Dental Sealants Northridge CA | Dental Sealants in Northridge
Dental Sealants Northridge CA

Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants Northridge, CA

Are there things you can do to prevent dental decay from developing in you or your children? In addition to maintaining optimal dental hygiene at home and routine dental cleanings, consider investing in dental sealants in Northridge. It’s the low-cost way to reduce your risk of cavities, infections, toothaches, and costly dental treatments.

What Are Dental Sealants in Northridge?

Dental sealants are a thin, protective coating placed on the biting surfaces of the back teeth. The sealant material is made of medical-grade resin and glass ionomers.

How Do Dental Sealants Work?

The protective coating shields the deep grooves of the teeth from plaque, bacteria, and food debris that can be difficult to remove with a toothbrush (due to the depth of the grooves).

Bacteria feed off the carbohydrates we eat and live in plaque. They release acids that damage the enamel, causing cavities. Any plaque or food particles sit on top of the sealants and can be easily removed, making sealants an ideal tool in the fight against decay!

What Are Dental Sealants in Northridge CA
How Long Do Dental Sealants in Northridge Last CA

How Long Do Dental Sealants in Northridge Last?

Typically, dental sealants last between two and four years. Some patients can go up to 10 years before needing dental sealant replacements.

Are Dental Sealants Only for Children?

Both adults and kids can benefit from dental sealants. Some adults have very deep pits and grooves in the biting surfaces, putting them at higher risk of developing decay. Dental sealants are a great option to protect the teeth of both adults and children from cavities.

Are Dental Sealants Safe?

According to the American Dental Association (ADA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), dental sealants are safe.

What Happens During a Dental Sealant Appointment?

During a sealant appointment, your Northridge dentist will polish the teeth to remove any existing plaque. They’ll double-check for any cavities before proceeding.

They will then isolate the teeth with cotton before applying an etchant to the tooth to roughen the surface. After rinsing the etchant, they’ll isolate the teeth with fresh cotton, place the sealant material in the tooth, and cure it with a UV light.

Does Getting Dental Sealants Hurt?

No, getting sealants is a pain-free procedure. You don’t need to be numbed, nor will a dental laser or handpiece need to be used.

What Happens During a Dental Sealant Appointment in Northridge CA
Can Dental Sealants Be Removed If Necessary in Northridge Last CA

Can Dental Sealants Be Removed If Necessary?

Yes, your Northridge dentist can remove sealants. This would be needed if there was decay under or around the sealant. Using a laser or dental handpiece, they can remove the sealant and decay before placing a composite filling in the tooth.

How Much Do Dental Sealants in Northridge Cost?

Dental sealant treatment generally starts at about $30 but can vary based on your unique needs.

Does Insurance Pay for Dental Sealants?

Most dental plans cover sealants at 80% to 100% coverage since it’s a preventative procedure. Your insurance plan may or may not cover sealants for patients over 18. Talk to our team to learn more about your insurance coverage and discuss payment options.

Protect Your Smile with Dental Sealants

Your smile is dependent on your oral health. So is your general health. Healthy teeth and gums help you chew nutrient-dense foods, so your body can flourish with the proper vitamins and minerals. Taking steps to prevent dental diseases can also help prevent other conditions, including heart disease, stroke, dementia, and diabetes or diabetes complications.

Dental sealants in Northridge are just one simple step you can take to achieve better oral health and maintain your lovely smile.

Dental Sealants in Northridge Shield Your Teeth From Decay

Contact Dentist of Northridge at (818) 873-7245 to discuss whether dental sealants are a good option for your oral health needs.


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