The wearing down of enamel caused by habits like nail-biting, using teeth to open bottles, or teeth
Abscess -
A painful swelling filled with pus that results from a bacterial infection in the tooth or gums.
Left untreated, it can become more painful and swollen.
Abutment -
A support structure used in dental bridges or implants to hold the false tooth or prosthetic in
Advanced Periodontitis -
The final stage of gum disease characterized by the destruction of bone and fibers supporting the
teeth. Teeth may become loose or shift, and tooth removal may be necessary if treatment is
A dental technique that uses abrasive air to remove tooth decay without the need for an anesthetic.
Amalgam Filling -
A filling material containing mercury, formerly used for its durability and low cost. Most dentists
now use composite filling material instead.
Anterior Teeth -
The front six upper and lower teeth, including central and lateral incisors and canines.
Apicoectomy -
A surgical procedure that seals the root tip of a tooth when traditional root canal treatment is not
Attrition -
Tooth wear and tear due to normal use over time.
Baby Teeth -
The initial set of teeth that develop in infants, also known as primary teeth or deciduous teeth.
Bicuspids -
Teeth with two cusps located in front of molars and behind canines. Also known as premolars, they aid in
chewing food.
Biopsy -
A diagnostic test where a tissue sample is taken from the oral cavity to check for diseases such as oral
Bite -
The way upper and lower teeth come together when the mouth is closed, also known as occlusion.
Bitewings -
A type of dental X-ray that provides a view of the upper and lower teeth in a specific area, commonly
used to detect decay between teeth.
Bleeding Gums -
Occasional bleeding of gums after brushing or flossing can be normal, but consistent or excessive
bleeding may indicate inflammation or gingivitis.
A cosmetic dental procedure where composite resin material is applied to the front or back of teeth to
improve their appearance. It can also be used to fill cavities or repair chipped, cracked, or discolored
Dental restorations that replace missing teeth by anchoring an artificial tooth to adjacent teeth or
dental implants. A bridge can restore function and aesthetics.
Bruxism -
The grinding or clenching of teeth, especially during sleep or when under stress. Bruxism can lead to
tooth wear and jaw pain if left untreated.
Calculus -
Also known as tartar, this is the hardened plaque that forms due to poor oral hygiene practices.
Canines -
Pointed teeth located next to the incisors on both sides of the jaw, used for tearing food. Also known
as cuspids.
Caries -
The scientific term for tooth decay, preventable through good oral hygiene habits and regular fluoride
Cavities -
Common dental issues caused by bacteria in the mouth producing acid from sugar, leading to decay and
erosion of tooth enamel.
Closed Bite -
A condition where the upper teeth excessively overlap the lower teeth when biting down, also known as a
deep bite.
A dental filling material made of a mixture of plastic and glass particles that matches the color of
natural teeth, providing a more aesthetically pleasing result.
The branch of dentistry focused on improving the appearance of teeth and smiles through treatments like
teeth whitening, veneers, and orthodontics.
Crowding -
A condition where there are too many teeth in a limited space in the mouth, often requiring orthodontic
A dental restoration used to cover damaged or decayed teeth, designed to resemble the shape and color of
the original tooth. Also referred to as caps.
Cuspids -
Teeth located next to the front incisors, having a pointed shape, and used for tearing food. Also known
as canines.
Decalcification -
The loss of calcium from teeth, weakening them and making them more susceptible to decay.
Deciduous Teeth -
The first set of teeth that develop, also known as baby teeth.
A dental prosthesis that supports dentures or replaces missing teeth. It involves placing an artificial
root into the gum, over which a denture, bridge, or crown is placed to restore tooth function and
Denture Reline -
The resurfacing of the interior of an ill-fitting denture to improve its fit and stability.
Dentin -
The porous layer that surrounds and protects the tooth's nerve. When exposed, it can cause tooth
Removable replacements for missing teeth designed to be comfortable and natural-looking, available in
partial or full sets.
Instant diagnostic x-rays that require no waiting or film developing. They can be colorized, magnified,
and manipulated for more in-depth information while significantly reducing radiation exposure.
Edentulous -
Fully lacking teeth in one arch. If a patient lacks teeth in both arches, they are considered completely
Enamel -
The outer layer of the tooth that is tough and white, safeguarding the underlying dentin.
Endodontics -
A specialized field of dentistry that deals with the treatment of dental root canal and related issues.
Erosion -
A chemical process caused by acids that corrode the enamel of the tooth, originating from diet or
gastric sources.
Fixed Appliances -
Dental prostheses that are affixed or cemented to the teeth, such as dental bridges.
A naturally occurring mineral found in water and the Earth's crust, also present in toothpaste. It aids
in strengthening enamel and preventing cavities.
Fluorosis -
A cosmetic condition characterized by discolored enamel, resulting in brown stains, pitting, or white
lines/specks on the teeth. This condition is harmless but can be treated for cosmetic purposes.
Gingival Recession -
A dental condition where the gums pull away from the teeth, exposing the roots. Often caused by gum
disease, it can lead to bone loss and tooth loss if left untreated.
Gingivitis -
The initial phase of gum disease, characterized by swollen, red gums that may be tender and bleed
lightly while brushing or flossing.
An inflammatory condition of the gums caused by acidic substances, plaque bacteria, and certain foods.
It can lead to gum inflammation and affect the supporting bone and teeth.
Gum Recession -
A condition where the roots of the teeth become exposed due to the recession of the gum line. This can
be caused by surgical procedures, periodontal disease, or abrasion.
Halitosis -
A condition characterized by unpleasant or foul-smelling breath.
Hygienist -
A licensed dental professional who performs essential dental care services such as taking x-rays,
cleaning teeth, and providing oral hygiene education.
Impacted Tooth -
A tooth that cannot fully develop or emerge into the mouth due to inadequate space.
Incisors -
The four front teeth (two on top and two on the bottom) used for biting and cutting food.
Interproximal -
The area between adjacent teeth.
Labial -
Relating to the lips, it can describe either the lips themselves or the surface of a tooth that faces or
touches the lips.
Laser Gum Treatment -
The use of dental lasers to treat gum diseases, enabling gum tissue restoration without the need for
surgery, stitches, or incisions.
Lingual -
Relating to the tongue, it can describe either the tongue itself or the surface of a tooth that faces or
touches the tongue.
Malocclusion -
An improper or misaligned bite that can result in difficulty chewing or speaking.
Mandible -
The lower jawbone that supports the lower teeth and connects to the skull.
Maxilla -
The upper jawbone that forms the roof of the mouth and supports the upper teeth.
Molars -
Large teeth at the back of the mouth with several cusps on the biting surface, aiding in grinding and
chewing food.
Nerve -
The pain sensor of the tooth, located in the center of the tooth and part of the dental pulp.
Occlusal -
Refers to the biting surfaces of teeth.
Occlusion -
The way teeth fit together when the jaws are closed. Proper occlusion helps protect teeth, jaw joints,
and facial muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
Oral Cancer -
A type of cancer that commonly develops in the mouth, throat, or lips and can cause sores that do not
heal and tend to bleed.
Oral Hygiene -
The daily care required to maintain good oral health, including eating a balanced diet, regularly
flossing and brushing teeth, and visiting the dentist for checkups and cleanings.
A custom-made device used after braces or other orthodontic treatments to help maintain the new position
of teeth and prevent them from shifting back.
The dental specialty focused on correcting and aligning irregularities of the teeth and jaws to achieve
proper occlusion.
Orthodontist -
A dental specialist who diagnoses and treats malocclusions and other irregularities of the teeth and
Overbite -
A type of malocclusion where the upper front teeth protrude beyond the lower front teeth, often referred
to as "buck teeth" when the overbite is moderate to severe.
Palate -
The anatomical structure forming the roof of the mouth, consisting of hard and soft tissues.
An oral condition also known as gum disease, caused by bacterial infection and inflammation affecting
the tissues supporting the teeth.
Periodontitis -
An advanced stage of gum disease characterized by damage to the bone and connective tissue anchoring the
teeth to the jawbone, leading to loosening and potential loss of teeth.
Plaque -
A sticky, colorless film of bacteria that adheres to the teeth and gums, contributing to tooth decay and
gum disease if not removed by regular brushing and flossing.
Thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored material bonded to the front surface of teeth to improve their
appearance by changing their color, shape, size, or length.
The back region of the mouth, referring to the teeth located towards the rear, including molars and
Premolars (Bicuspids) -
Teeth located between the canines and molars, used for chewing and grinding food.
A preventive dental procedure involving the removal of plaque, tartar, and stains from the teeth,
helping to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
Pulpitis -
Inflammation of the dental pulp tissue within the tooth, often caused by untreated tooth decay or
trauma, resulting in toothache and sensitivity.
An imaging technique using x-rays to capture images of the teeth and surrounding structures, aiding in
the detection and diagnosis of various dental conditions.
A dental treatment that involves removing the nerve and pulp from the inside of a tooth to prevent
infection and save the tooth from extraction. The canals are then cleaned and filled with a material
called gutta-percha.
Scaling refers to the removal of plaque, tartar, and stains from teeth during a cleaning appointment.
Root planing, also known as a "deep cleaning," involves smoothing the roots below the gumline to prevent
plaque accumulation.
Supernumerary Teeth -
Extra teeth that may occur when someone is born with more than the typical number of teeth or an excess
number of a specific type of tooth, such as an incisor, canine, or bicuspid.
Tartar -
The hardened form of plaque that forms on the tooth or underneath the gum line. If not treated, it can
cause damage to the gums and teeth.
Temporary Crown -
A temporary crown made of stainless steel or acrylic that is placed while waiting for a permanent crown.
Temporary Filling -
A temporary filling made of gold, amalgam, or composite resin used after removing tooth decay.
Temporomandibular Joint
The joint connecting the lower jawbone (mandible) to the skull, allowing movement of the lower jaw
forward, backward, and sideways.
Tooth Decay -
The erosion of tooth enamel caused by acid, resulting in demineralization. If left untreated, it can
progress to the pulp of the tooth.
Tooth Sensitivity -
Pain caused by exposed dentin, often due to periodontal disease or receding gums.
A process that removes discoloration and stains from teeth, restoring them to their original color.
Regular maintenance is required to keep teeth white.
Underbite -
An abnormal dental condition where the lower front teeth protrude beyond the upper front teeth, causing
an abnormal bite.
Unerupted Tooth -
A tooth that has not emerged from the gum and remains trapped beneath it, unable to attain its proper
position in the dental arch.
Porcelain shells used to enhance the appearance of teeth that are abnormally spaced, misaligned, worn
down, stained, or chipped. They are bonded to the original teeth, creating a natural-looking and durable
The third set of molars that typically appear between the ages of 17 and 25. They are the last teeth to
emerge in the mouth. Most individuals have four wisdom teeth - two on the top and two on the bottom.
However, some people may not develop any or all of their wisdom teeth. These teeth can cause problems if
they are not properly aligned or if there is insufficient space in the mouth for them to emerge.
A diagnostic tool using electromagnetic radiation to produce images of the teeth, bones, and soft
tissues inside the mouth. X-rays help dentists detect and diagnose various dental conditions that may
not be visible during a regular oral exam.
We’re Here to Answer Your Dental Questions
If you have any questions about your oral health or need assistance, please feel free to contact
us at (818) 873-7245 to schedule a consultation. We're here to help you with any dental